Meles Ecological Corridor

The priority action plan of the Izmir Green Infrastructure Strategy places significant importance on the Meles Stream, which is being reevaluated as an ecological corridor. During the historical process, the Meles Stream, which remained on the periphery of the city of Izmir and served as a southern access route, has turned into an urban infrastructure problem due to rapid urbanization processes and the resulting urban sprawl towards the south. As a result, it has been subject to serious interventions and degradation. 

Today, the Meles Stream mostly flows through an impermeable open channel and has transformed into a discharge stream through which the route of the Grand Canal Project also passes beneath. In essence, the Meles Stream and the Yeşildere Valley have been subject to the adverse effects of urbanization in ecological terms, leading to the loss or impending loss of numerous natural features.

The transformation is intended to be implemented through various pilot projects in different areas. Although the Meles corridor is invaded and interrupted by the densely urbanized fabric, it retains topographically as a valley accompanied by a continuous watercourse. Thus, the Botanic EXPO 2026 is valuable in terms of preserving and enhancing this significant water basin.

In acknowledging the Meles Stream as a natural heritage, drawing upon its own memory, and enabling its natural processes, the river course will be restored to become one of seven ecological corridors of Izmir.