Ecological Corridors

Under this program, seven green corridors are being developed to create an uninterrupted connection between the city center and the adjacent natural areas. The six terrestrial corridors are connected to each other by the IzmirDeniz Coastal Route encircling the Bay of Izmir. The seven routes are:

Yamanlar Route between Bostanlı and Yamanlar Village 
Izmir Historical Waterways connecting Kemeraltı, Kadifekale and Kaynaklar Village in Buca
8500 Years in One Day Route connecting archeological sites, museums, the past and the present between Bornova and Konak
Meles Route connecting Alsancak Harbour with inner Izmir
Flamingo Route connecting Bostanlı, Sasalı, and the Gediz Delta
Southwestern Route between İnciraltı and Yelki
IzmirDeniz Coastal Route encircling the Bay of Izmir

These routes do not only provide a green corridor enabling nature to influence the inner city, but will also serve as uninterrupted hiking paths enabling city dwellers to access natural areas, and will further strengthen the economic and cultural bonds between the city’s various regions.